B’nai B’rith Honorary President Richard Heideman joins CEO Dan Mariaschin to talk about his new book, “The Bloody Price of Freedom,” and delve into the global terrorist, economic and legal assault on the State of Israel since – and even predating – its establishment in 1948.
Since the emergence of the modern Zionist movement in the nineteenth century – not only since the official creation of the modern State of Israel – the idea of the reestablishment of the Jewish national home has been under siege. As Heideman emphasizes in his book, the current rise in global anti-Semitism and the seemingly endless stream of anti-Israel propaganda didn’t just “appear.”
Richard Heideman served as President of B’nai B’rith International from 1998 to 2002. He recently spent four years as president of the American Zionist Movement (AZM) and is currently chair of The Israel Forever Foundation.